Call for Expression of Interest of pilot SMEs

With the aim of identifying potential SMEs willingness to participate in the BRIDGESMEs project activities and receive our supporting services, two separate calls for the Expression of Interest will be launched, one addressed to tech-savvy SMEs and start-ups and the other to pilot SMEs (tech-adopters).

The Call for Expression of Interest of pilot SMEs is already open!!

Don’t miss the opportunity to apply to the call, open until 14 October 17:00 CET.

After the evaluation of the different candidates, the BRIDGESMEs consortium will select 20 beneficiaries in the demand side. These companies will be provided with a dedicated supporting package and networking opportunities to further advance in their collaboration process.

What do we offer

A dedicated support package for the selected pilot SMEs, which will include the following benefits:

Preliminary diagnosis of technological needs and barriers + technological consulting services for a one-year period.
Assessment of the main innovation challenges in the company and roadmap for the implementation of innovative ideas through advanced technologies.
Support in the identification of financing sources to cover the needs for investment and the adoption of advanced technologies.
10 online training modules to address critical areas and reduce the existing knowledge gap related to the adoption of advanced technologies.
Participating in hackathons and matchmaking events, pilot SMEs will be able to present their challenges and meet potential partners to find the most suitable solution for their needs.
The project will launch further initiatives to promote the uptake of advanced technologies and the dissemination of Industry 5.0 best practices.

Who can apply

SMEs that:

  • Manufacture goods or provide services through specific industrial processes and do not fit in the definition of tech-savvy SMEs.
  • Operate in at least one of the five BRIDGESMEs target ecosystems: (1) Mobility, Transport & Automotive; (2) Aerospace & Defence; (3) Cultural & Creative Industries; (4) Electronics and (5) Tourism.
  • Are established in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country.

Sept 02, 2024

Launch of the Call for Expression of Interest of Pilot SMEs

October 14, 2024, 17:00 CET

Deadline for submission

October - November 2024

Evaluation process

December 2024

Final list with selected companies.

Application form

To submit your application, please fill in the following form:

    1. Legal data and contact details

    Is the company a SME?

    2. Main activity

    3.Transformation of the manufacturing process

    4. Impact

    The person responsible for the data protection of users who send their information through this form is BRIDGESMEs Consortium. We collect the data from this form in order to respond to users' requests for information. If there is any personal information that you do not want to be known, we recommend not including it in this form. The main legitimacy is the consent of the interested person.

    The recipients of this data are the members of the BRIDGESMEs Consortium. If you include your email address in the data you provide us, you can request that we send you a copy of the message that will reach us.

    Need more help?

    For further questions, additional information, or assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us via the following email: